Projects & Offers

Project Finance
  • Minimum amount granted: 5 million USD

  • Maximum amount granted: no limit

  • Term: from 10 to 15 years

  • Grace period: from 1 to 3 years depending on the project

  • Interest rate: 0%

  • Payments: every 3 / 6 / 12 months upon agreement

  • BANK GUARANTEE requested on submission of AA or AAA rating insurance with financial risk coverage. We can assist you in obtaining it, should you not be able to provide it.


Debt Finance

We can finance debts and commitments towards your bank with long-term repayments at a low interestrate. We also take into consideration requests which are higher than your present debts, to enable your company to continue with its trade and business operations.

No Return Funds

We can fund projects of interesting nature in your home-country, against the payment of the bank interest only, accrued after one year from the date the financing is provided. Interests are 0 %. No further payment is required. This funding requires acceptance of Joint Ventures between the client and the entity introduced by the lender, the project must be of social utility for the local community, based upon the current legislation of the country in which the project will be carried out.

We can finance your projects up to 100% of their value, in accordance with the following conditions:
Production Firm

We are able to assist firms involved in the clothing, shoes and furniture sectors, to produce their articles by taking advantage of temporary export activities. The raw materials will be sent to the industries specialized in your own fields (wherever it is possible to obtain lower costs for labor, electric energy, etc...,) to be manufactured and transformed into the finished product. EFIDC will follow-up on your activities by:

  • Obtaining direct contact with local manufacturers

  • Preparing Contracts

  • Transporting and arranging accommodation

  • Assisting in local personal demands

Tourism Finance
  • We can finance interesting tourism projects within the middle east area, by helping you become the owner of a hotel or holiday resort. We will assist you during the purchasing process of the land, before the Ministry of Tourism, through the creation of a new company, in observation of “investment laws” in the area, and, subsequently, we can provide you with assistance in the construction and planning of the project. Our company will support you throughout the whole process, from the assessment to the development process to the completion and future management of the project.


We cash in your credits. Long-term payment contracts and/or invoices from Tour operators and travel agencies in middle east will be paid to you on an immediate-effect basis, thus allowing your company to increase its activities and to release it from any restrictions

Fast Finance

Due to stop over in the market, many businessmen are presently facing high debts towards the banks they collaborate with, and they would like to cancel their debts in order to solve their critical situation, caused by higher and higher interest rates.

Today we are able to solve these problems…how? We can suggest you facilities for the pay-back of your debts, offering interesting installments at 0 % interest rate. But..... How it is possible to obtain such a loan?

1. Firstly it is compulsory to sign an agreement between you and your bank, in order to pay off your debts through an international loan.

2. A request to obtain an availed international promissory note will be effected to your bank.

3. Your bank should accept the conditions proposed for the loan transfer to itself in order to balance your debts.

4. The international loan will have a term floating between 5 and 7 years.

5. First installment will be paid after 12 months; the rest should be paid every 6 months.

6. We will accept any type of bank: small – secondary – primary

This transaction will be effected by an international bank, after having directly contacted your bank. If your bank can accept the conditions mentioned above, then we urgently need the following information: name of your bank, telephone and fax number, and name of a manager. The data indicated above are necessary to allow the international bank to send an official offer to your bank. Should you need a quicker loan for other commercial transactions without being obliged to present specific documentation, with the possibility to get an international interest rate and payment facilities, we are able to provide you with a response from the European bank in 48 hours, upon notice of the possibility for your bank to support your international promissory notes. The whole transaction will take approximately one week to be accomplished.

We are able to obtain loans for Government projects through a European bank.

The conditions applicable to obtain financing for national projects are the following:

Government Finance

Amount required : No less than 500 Million USD

Term: 20 years

Grace Period: 5 years

Loan percentage: Up to 100% of the project

Guarantee: Government guarantee

Payment: Six-monthly or yearly installments

Interest rate: Lower than the national interest rate

We represent international banks, which are able to finance projects they consider important, including the tourism sector, through the following system:

  • B.O.T

  • B.O.O.T.

Financing of humanitarian projects (without refunds): Ex. hospitals, schools, mosques and churches for additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us

We can finance any project through the major international Financial Institutions, provided that a joint venture is created between a European and an American company, as well as country from the Middle East. The Joint Venture will have to be formed on the basis of a proven social utility to the country, and in accordance with the existing resident legislations. Both companies must own a good track record.

Joint venture
Tourism Financing

Financing for tourism and other projects Thanks to a well-established collaboration process with a network of European banks, we are able to offer you the following finance conditions:

Amount required: No less than 100 Million USD

Term: From 10 to 15 years

Period of grace: Initial construction phase

Financeable amount: 50% of the total project value

Guarantee: sblc of the total project value, against the risk for the lack of payment

Payment: Six monthly or yearly installments, based on the terms of the agreement

Interest rate: 0 %

Hotels, Resorts and Travel agents

We are pleased to offer you this special service, thanks to our collaboration with a European bank. No need to worry about non-payment risks by the European Tour Operator. How can we help you? The Tour Operator or the Travel Agency must be Italian or German. The advance payment of your invoice, which would normally have a six-month due payment, will be discounted to you by the European bank. Following are the required documents:

  • A contract between you and the Tour Operator/Travel Agency.

  • All the information about the European Tour Operator/Travel Agency.

  • The transfer of the debt from the Tour Operator/Travel Agency to the European bank against the immediate payment of the invoice in your favor.

  • The acceptance of the Tour Operator/Travel Agency of the debt payment by the European bank.

  • Your availability to draw a bill of exchange to the Tour Operator/Travel Agency for the discount of your invoices

  • This procedure represents a solution to a considerable problem for all those people working in the tourism area. Now the non-payment risks are transferred to the European bank. In order to start direct collaboration, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Import and Export
  • Advantage to Importers

  • Import your products in any country – excluding the blacklisted ones

  • Deferred payment up to 7 years with 1 year grace period (depending on goods and destination)

  • No interest rate .

  • Possibility to obtain an Insurance coverage for non-payment (financial risk), instead of a bank guarantee

  • Exceptional advantages and conditions to exporters for goods from the U.S.A.: NO BANK GUARANTEE requested; we finance from 85% to up to 95% of the invoiced amount of the goods.

  • Special terms will be applied to transactions carried out among the countries included in the following list, including financing up to 90% of the invoice.

  • All other destinations will be considered on a case-by-case basis: we will assist you in obtaining the best solution for your request, including guarantee coverage in case you are not able to provide it.

Letter of Credit
  • If you are an importer from any country in the world and you are used to open a L/C at sight or a t a short term, we can offer you the following facilities:

    1. Opening of L/C directly on one of the banks we collaborate with, where you can take advantage of deferred payments up to 7 years, first installment to be paid after 12 months, the other ones every six months. Interest rate of 5,5% per year will be fix for all the term. Your supplier will have the advantage of obtaining his credit immediately upon submission of the shipping documents, proving that the goods have already been shipped.

    2. Immediate financing to meet your needs without requesting any particular documentation, but only a bank guarantee. Deferred payments up to 7 years, first instalment to be paid after 12 months, the other ones every six months.

    3. L/G effected by your bank accepted as guarantee for financing only in case of commercial projects. If you are an exporter we can offer you the immediate payment of your invoice upon submission of the shipping documents. Furthermore you can enjoy of pre-shipment transaction in order for you to purchase the raw materials you need. We can offer discount without asking for any guarantee concerning: o Contracts between firms and government offices or ministers also for debts upon their acceptance

Financing Projects
  • We can offer financing options through an American and/or Australian bank and act as their agents in Europe and in Middle East countries.

    General conditions:

    Amount requested:

    Not less than 100 Million USD

Term: From 5 to 15 years

Grace Period: 5 year

Percentage Financed: Up to 90% of the total value of the project

Guarantee: Bank Guarantee

Payments: Every 6 months

Interest Rate: 0 %

American bank conditions: All products and equipment’s needed to accomplish the project must arrive from United States of America, but there is a possibility to transfer from 15 to 20% of the amount requested for financing, in order for you to purchase domestic goods. Furthermore, the American bank is able to cover consultancy fees of offices engaged for the accomplishment of the design of the project by up to 15%.


  • The countries of origin of all exported goods must be either the USA or Australia

  • Possibility to obtain financing for domestic products up to 15% of the total cost of the project

  • Possibility to obtain financing for up to 15% of the feasibility study, terms and conditions of the project effected by professional offices in the USA and Australia.

Thanks to our collaboration with European banks, and in cooperation with international companies specialised in the insurance sector (government companies), we were able to reach the following agreement: The possibility to finance all kinds of national, industrial, commercial and tourism projects, under the condition that the development of the project be carried


Amount : From US$ 100 Millions up to no maximum

Tenor:  Up to 15 years

Grace period:  Up to 2 years

Project coverage:  Up to 90% of the total amount required

Instalment: Six-monthly

Interest rate: 0%

Guarantee: Bank Guarantee


We are able to finance feasibility study. Drawings etc., under conditions that the project is interesting

We are pleased to propose you new products without erasing the old ones, so that you can have a wide choice. We are always looking for the best conditions for your advantage and that of your country. Moreover, we are able to provide you with all the necessary information you may need to investigate about our professionalism. For any information, do not hesitate to contact us.